Ramadan Courses
Ramadan Courses
Courses which are offered in Ramadan are included here. These courses are also offered in other semesters.
Ramadan Courses
Course name Introduction to the Sciences of Qur'an and Hadith
Course summary text:
Instructor: Ustadha Zaynab Ansari of Tayseer ...Introduction to the Sciences of Qur’an and Hadith
Ramadan Courses
Course name Introduction to Islamic Systems
Course summary text:
Introduction to Islamic Systems
Instructors: Dr. Celene Ibrahim (Shaykh Dr. Hassan Lachheb will ...
Ramadan Courses
Course name Qurʾanic Immersion: Recitation, Reflection, and Application (Level 2)
Course summary text:
Instructors: Dr. Basyouny ...Qurʾanic Immersion: Recitation, Reflection, and Application (Level 2)
Ramadan Courses
Course name Vocabulary of Islamic Sciences
Course summary text:
Instructor: Dr. Muhammad HabibVocabulary of Islamic Sciences
Time: Mondays 5pm – 7pm EST; Starting...
Ramadan Courses
Course name The Sciences of Fiqh, Aqidah & Tazkiyya
Course summary text:
Instructor: Dr. Harun SpevakIntroduction to the Sciences of ‘Aqida, Fiqh, and Tazkiyya
Time: Sunda...
Ramadan Courses
Course name Quranic and Prophetic Communication During Challenging Times
Course summary text:
Quranic and Prophetic Communication During Challenging Times
Instructors: Abdur-Rahman Syed & Dr. ...